Woo I made it here in one piece! With all my luggage!
Seriously jetlagged, I'm sitting in the lounge area of the Tagore International House where I'll be living.
Quick summary of my trip:
Got to JFK, 15 hour flight. Read Stardust and half of Eat, Pray, Love (Embarassing.) Watched An Education. Screaming babies. Couldn't sleep. Sat in Mumbai airport for like 5 hours as my transfer plane was delayed. Met a lot of other American students in my program who were also stuck. Flying out of Mumbai. Raining. More screaming babies. Couldn't sleep. Bumpy landing. Panic attack hoping my luggage would come unharmed. It arrives, wet. Three girls lost luggage, one lost all of hers. Hoping they get it back. Meet the guy who drives us, we're 3 hours late. Get to U of H in time for breakfast. Tasty. Unpack and Nap. Lunch. Nap. SIP (Study in India Program) got a new building, we go to the official opening. Beautiful flower arrangements on the floor. My roommate and I have only one key for our room. No sense. Sit and figure out the internet in the lounge. Dinner. I love tea.
Longer update later with pictures when it isn't dark.
1 month ago
<3 Grace.
I am so happy you've finally made it!! Best of luck this semester, my love!!
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