Friday, July 16, 2010

Lack of sleep

Hey all my readers clearly begging for an update... riiiight.
So I have not been good thus far with keeping this blog up, but between orientation junk, trying to get to know people and the general annoyances of internet service here it hasn't been happening. I'll try harder though!
After this weekend things should start calming down - classes really start Monday. I'm trying to get classes outside of the SIP (Study in India Program - the overarching program for Americans and Europeans studying here) ones, because I would like to try to be a part of the larger Univ. of Hyderabad campus than just this little corner we foreigners have. I picked two classes in the English department - "Indian Novels and the Nation" and "Indian writing in English." I was a little wary of them, because I want to take classes that my school won't offer, but seeing as I can't remember the last time my department offered an Indian literature class (A quick scan of Courseavail says they haven't all last year and won't next quarter) I would like to take advantage of the opportunity.
However, the fate of my fourth course (I have the two Lit ones, a Hindi or maybe Telugu class, and one more spot open) is up in the air. Typical of theatre, even here, the Performing arts school hasn't given us a schedule of class times. A friend I have met here, a fellow theatre enthusiast, claims it's probably because they don't want to give times, they just want you to always be there. Seeing how I spend about 15 hours a day in the SCU theatre department, I am suspicious that this could be very very true. And seeing how obsessed I am and how dedicated I have gotten to theatre, I worry this may be very very true for me.
Worried because I would like to do things a little differently here. I overextend myself and refuse to back down from it, under any circumstances. So with my lightest course load of my college career, I won't know what to do. I'm already planning on taking a bunch of non-credit performing classes (Vocal, dance, music), as many as I can take, plus with fitting my schedule into a mon-thurs week, I'm leaving myself a three day weekend every week so that I can travel as much as possible. Will I be busy? Yes. As busy as usual? That remains to be seen.
But this is all too early for this speculation I think - I've only been here a week. I'm still learning things about this amazing city I'm in and still adjusting. I think I'll still be learning and adjusting until December 5th - and then I'll leave!
So I'll be back to post this weekend about fun things like Khojo (Search) Hyderabad - a scavenger hunt through the city by rickshaw!
Thanks to any of you reading this and sticking around through the infrequency!


Kandace said...

Have fun Keating!! Stay out of the theatre! You'll get stuck in there enough when you're here at home. Go off and do some crazy adventures :) the benefit of free time is that you have all sorts of amazing spontaneous things you can do. Miss you girlie!!!

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